Selamat datang, Kia Ora, Welcome to our virtual home!
Rini and Zuhdi have been in long distance relationship for nearly five year up until now.
This blog is dedicated to share our love story to other LDR couples.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Our love story started in late 2009. I met my husband in a conference. My first impression about him was that he was an annoying guy. But it turned out that we made a really good friendship and decided to date several months later. In the beginning, I thought we would probably last only for three months, I mean that was the rational projection of our relationship, we only met for two days, communicate mostly by text or phone, hardly have anything in commons but the friends that we had in the conference, back at that time. But thanks God, we made it through all this five years up until now.

Now, I can proudly say now that I am a proud wife of Arif Zuhdi.


  1. Whoaa..I remember when imo would leave Savoy Homan Hotel...feel so sad couldnt meet up ..and I dont know when the phone was ringing..that's Imo but I'm still in my just got the bed at 3 am hehee

  2. ini fotonya bagus banget e yg d blog hehe

  3. iya baby, that was very heartbreaking.. :'(
